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Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School Share

The younger two had just woken up as the older one had to leave so I made them pose before the hair had been addressed

I should also add that it is still dark outside.

My oldest was a big goof and wanted some extra poses for his scrapbook:

Isn't this a cute gift?
One of the teachers had it so I snapped a picture.

Before we moved into our present house I home schooled.
Here is a picture from their first year attending traditional school:
I think this was 2007
Joel was 1, Samuel was 7 (2nd grade), and Abigail just turned 5 (Kinder)

Abigail (5th), Joel (2nd grade), Samuel (8th grade)

They grow up fast!


Heather North said...

Your kids are adorable. Thanks for showing us their first day of school pic, and especially showing the older one too. They grow so fast, don't they?

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